State aids


It’s always a good idea to find out more about renewable energy and on financial aids for building your home.

Practical information

In view of a rational use of energy and the promotion of renewable energies, the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, environmental department grants financial aids for the construction of high energy performance houses (low energy houses and passive houses).

You can obtain more information by calling the toll-free number 8002 1190 and at

Contact address

Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure, environmental department

Environmental administration, Energy saving division

1, Avenue du Rock n’Roll
Tél. : 40 56 56 1

Selectionez le bureau le plus proche a appeler :

Bridel +352 333 628 - 1

Diekirch +352 99 83 61 - 105

Weiswampach +352 97 90 38 - 1